The forest mods pc 2018
The forest mods pc 2018

the forest mods pc 2018

The fundamental issue with the film is that the idea- an intriguing one- is mishandled. Unable to believe her sister is dead due to their deep and complex connection as twins, Sara ventures into the forest with reporter Aiden (Taylor Kinney) in hopes of finding her before the dark forces surrounding them claim her very soul. The film follows American Sara Price (Natalie Dormer), who is informed that her twin-sister Jess has vanished into Japan's Aokigahara Forst- a vast forest at the base of Mount Fuji, well- known for the numerous suicides to have occurred deep within.


It's merely a "meh" movie with nothing special to set it apart.

the forest mods pc 2018

It's neither bad enough to become unintentionally entertaining or be dismissed, yet also not good enough to warrant serious consideration from anyone except the most desperate horror fans looking for a quick-fix of the creeps. And while it's definitely not a terrible film, its inability to elevate itself beyond the level of "mediocre" is most definitely its greatest fault. that sadly falls just short of being anything special due to an over-reliance on generic jump-scares, abbreviated story development and occasional convolution in its storytelling. Which is sadly the case with the 2016 horror-flick "The Forest." It's a movie with a great idea behind it. even a great idea can falter and disappoint when mishandled and when not explored properly. And indeed a horror-film based around the famous (and infamous) Aokigaha Forest of Japan is a powerful idea, filled to the brim with endless potential for drama and sheer ghostly thrills. Especially when explored well and thoroughly.


Not only does his light color T-Shirt show no sign of bodily fluids or rotting flesh, in real life the smell of the decaying body on Aiden's clothing and skin would be so overwhelming as to be unbearable, not only to him but to those around him (that's why those who work around crime scenes, dead bodies, etc., wear special disposable bio suits and sometimes must even dispose of their street clothing if it is saturated with the odor of decaying tissue- the smell is that bad).Īn idea can be a powerful thing. Furthermore- immediately after having the corpse directly across his shoulders- Aiden continues his hike in close proximity to his companions. Even an inexperienced person like Aiden would know better than to make close, direct physical contact with a putrefying corpse, which is undoubtedly swarming with bacteria and insects- as well as leaking any number of bacteria laden bodily fluids- creating a highly unsanitary situation. The chances of this happening in real life are extremely unlikely.

the forest mods pc 2018

As Michi cuts the rope, Aiden takes the body in a "Fireman's Carry" across his shoulders and lowers it to the ground. During their first excursion into the forest with Sara, Aiden & Michi remove a decaying dead body hanging from a tree.

The forest mods pc 2018